Build a water well with IISNA World Aid

Water, the source of all life, is more than a mere necessity; it is a symbol of purity, a gift from Allah, and a means to nurture the earth and its inhabitants. Through IISNA World Aid, you are invited to be part of this noble endeavor, transforming lives and landscapes with the gift of water.

The virtue of sadaqah jariya

"Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire." - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Building a well is a form of Sadaqah Jariya, the ongoing charity that continues to benefit you and the community long after your initial act. Each drop of water drawn is a ripple of your kindness, earning you blessings and rewards in this life and the hereafter. It's a legacy of compassion and mercy, a testament to your faith and generosity.

Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated

“The Prophet ﷺ was the most generous of people, and he used to become more generous in Ramadan”

(Sahih al-Bukhari).

Embark on the journey of mercy

This Ramadan, let the act of giving water define the legacy you wish to leave behind. Let each well built be a testament to your compassion, a prayer for prosperity, reflecting the boundless mercy of Allah. Your Sadaqah Jariya, in the form of water, becomes a lifeline, a beacon of hope in the lives it touches.


What will be your impact?

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Help bring clean and safe water

Mark your impact by providing a sustainable water source and make an enduring impact on countless lives and earn your Sadaqa jariyah (on going charity).

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Gaza emergency aid

The heart of Gaza beats strong even amidst devastation. Yet, every heartbeat echoes with an urgent plea for help. With your support, we can ensure that plea doesn’t go unanswered.

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Restoring vision and hope in Somalia

Many people in Somalia suffer from preventable and treatable eye conditions, leading to blindness and a loss of independence. With just $120, you can be the catalyst for change.

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Care for orphaned girls in Afghanistan

Provide Life Changing Support to orphaned girls afflicted by the decades long war, violent conflict, poverty, and displacement in Afghanistan.

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