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The children of Gaza can't take it anymore

The children of Gaza can't take it anymore

The Children of Gaza can't take it anymore, and why the world has failed them.

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Life changing orphanage in Afghanistan for orphaned girls

Life changing orphanage in Afghanistan for orphaned girls

IISNA World Aid is excited to announce the opening of a new orphanage in Logar Afghanistan dedicated for girls only.

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Children of Afghanistan: Most in need of aid

Children of Afghanistan: Most in need of aid

An estimated 14 million children in Afghanistan were in dire need of aid in 2022 underscoring the vulnerability of these children, many of whom are orphans.

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Mothers and the newborns of Gaza

Mothers and the newborns of Gaza

An estimated 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza, with over 180 giving birth each day, face severe risks due to the lack of access to emergency obstetric services.

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